Wrestling is _full_ of British Lords


Also ich habe langsam auch das Gefühl, dass da hinter den Kulissen die Sachen abgesprochen werden.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Die meisten werden es sowieso schon mitbekommen haben, aber nur um das mal hier festzuhalten:

Nach der PK bzw. sogar noch währenddessen soll es im Locker Room ja erst richtig losgegangen sein. Die Bucks und Omega sollen Punk einen Besuch abgestattet haben, um ihn zur Rede zu stellen. Wie ja von Punk eigentlich auch gefordert („If you got something to say, come say it to my face directly“). Das ist dann aber anscheinend komplett eskaliert. 100%ig weiß man natürlich (noch) nicht, was da genau abgegangen ist – man hat z.B. noch nicht wirklich gehört, ob/wie aggressiv die EVPs waren – Berichten zufolge soll aber Punk handgreiflich gegenüber Matt Jackson geworden sein.
Den Vogel hat aber wohl der langjährige Trainer von Punk und Producer bei AEW, Ace Steel, abgeschossen. Er soll einen Stuhl nach Nick Jackson geworfen haben, der ihn voll im Gesicht getroffen haben soll. Man hört von einem blauen Auge. Außerdem soll er an Omegas Haaren gezogen und ihn gebissen haben. :ugly:

Man darf gespannt sein, wie das alles jetzt aufgelöst werden soll. Tony Khan hat ne riesen Aufgabe vor sich, die er sich vermutlich teils auch selber eingebrockt hat, weil er nicht früher eingeschritten ist. Eddie Kingston hat er letztens für weitaus weniger für ein paar Wochen suspendiert, traut er sich das oder sogar mehr bei seinen Topstars? Wir sprechen hier immerhin von dem neu gekrönten AEW Champion und Zugpferd auf der einen und den neu gekrönten Trios Champions und EVPs des ganzen Ladens auf der anderen Seite.
Morgen ist bereits die nächste TV-Show, bis dahin muss zumindest eine vorübergehende Entscheidung getroffen werden. Nach All Out wäre es zwar sau awkward, wenn all diese Leute nicht auftreten werden, mindestens mal aber bei Punk kann ich es mir dann schon vorstellen. Dann muss MJF das Titel-Programm (welches ja eigentlich auch erstmal in der Schwebe ist) erstmal alleine tragen, wozu er ohne wenn und aber in der Lage ist. Dann allerdings sicher nicht als Heel.

Zum Abschluss ein Tweet zum Thema, der mich sehr amüsiert hat:


1 „Gefällt mir“

Punk wird heute wohl noch entlassen.



8 „Gefällt mir“

Black ist wohl auch erstmal weg.


Hier hat er wohl aber um eine Freistellung gebeten weil es ihm wohl aktuell nicht besonders geht. Stichwort Depressionen / Mental Health.
Also nicht davon ausgehen dass er nächste Woche bei RAW auftritt ;)

Wenn, dann würde ich ihn lieber wieder bei wXw sehen. Davon hätte ich mehr :ronaldo:

Aber die mentalen Probleme schleppt er ja, laut Gerüchten, auch schon etwas länger mit sich rum. Ich denke, das war nur ne Frage der Zeit und ist der absolut richtige Weg.

1 „Gefällt mir“

MJF Promo war wieder überragend heute.

2 „Gefällt mir“

Für Mox im Anschluss gilt das selbe.

2 „Gefällt mir“

Ich habe gerade auch mal rein gehört und fande sie, ehrlich gesagt, ziemlich random. Klar, zugeschnitten aufs AEW Publikum und voller Intensität aber inhaltlich komplett irrelevant. Gibt’s in der Art und Weise in jeder Promotion, in der ein Face Veteran jetzt den Titel nicht mehr hat. Dann wird der Titel und die Promotion over gebracht, heroes yadda yadda, means everyhthing to me yadda yadda, love yadda yadda. Hole mir den Titel wieder, Ende der Geschichte. Da gab’s von Moxley in den letzten Jahren viel bessere Promos.

Das eigentliche Highlight war für mich eigentlich der Pure Title Gewinn von Garcia. Wenn das aber mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit dem Hometown Bonus inkl. Storyfortschritt mit Jericho gedient hat.

Um mal was altmodisches aufzuwärmen: Ich hatte ja schon sehr oft den Podcast „Wrestle Me!“ von Marc Haynes und Pete Donaldson empfohlen. Jetzt hat jemand die jeweiligen Shows als Videotrack zu einigen alten Folgen zusammengeschnitten.

Hier meine letzte Wrestlemania als Jugendlicher für viele auch die allerhinterletzte Wrestlemania, 9. Ja, die. Mit Hogan’s Ekel-Auge:

2 „Gefällt mir“

Mein allererstes Wrestling Main Event.
Im Urlaub auf Gran Canaria habe ich noch so ein Wrestlingheft verschlungen.
Mein Cousin und ich haben das von vorne bis hinten zig mal durchgeblättert.
Ich war völlig von der Rolle wie jemand wie der Undertaker den RR nicht gewinnen konnte.
Ja klar, ein Giant musste da fies eingreifen - wie unfair

Gibt einige Updates via Fightful Select und Reddit:

  • The story from Punk/Steels side has changed slightly. They meant „Kicked the door down“ as hyperbole to mean they kicked, shouldered, or otherwise forced their way in. Punk was either getting medical attention or had just received medical attention when they came in.
  • No one seems to know 100% what caused Ace Steel to go full Tyson. Thee stories range from „Because his wife was near“ to he thought Omega was attacking Punk, while Omega was really just trying to pull Punk off.
  • Accounts from both sides vary wildly, neither should be taken as gospel based on what they ahve heard. This is what they’ve relayed to those close to them.
  • Talent doesn’t know whats going to happen to punk
    • „We spoke with numerous people on the staff and roster, who said that unless Punk’s suspension is unpaid or he’s fired, it’s superficial considering he’ll be out of action well into next year.“
    • As much heat from the scrum as from the fracas.
    • Punk has been rubbing the locker room the wrong way for a while. But blaming him for all locker room issues according to one source is „unfair“
  • Roster members they spoke to after the show felt it had a positive vibe. They felt it could have been worse than the chaos of the previous 3 days and it wasn’t.
    • Many felt like they wanted to show up and work, and the best way to get passed the public embarrassment of Sunday night was to get over issues, make money for the company and highlight some new talent along the way.
  • A lot of content had to be adjusted on wednesday because on tuesday as they were working on material they didn’t know what they were going to allowed to say or not.
  • Mox was planned to take an extended vacation, but be back in time for Cincinnati (HEY OH!) in October. He came to the show because he wanted to help conduct the talent meeting, add star power and for the title tournament.
  • Kenny, CD, and Nakazawa are all slated to be in Japan for TGS. As of now none of them have been pulled.
  • Fightful confirmed Megha was around when the situation occurred.

E: Ein weiteres Update aus dem WON von heute:

  • The company has brought in an independent firm to investigate and do video interviews with everyone in the room, which included all the names mentioned above, as well as many others, including a number of neutral parties who were in the room and were believed to have seen everything as it happened. The key names that would have included were Max “MJF” Friedman and AEW and Jacksonville Jaguars Chief Legal Officer Megha Parekh.
  • AEW obviously did not say anything, nor would any of the participants. The only thing we were told is that it was due to legal reasons, but there were witnesses and the story is that the key witnesses did have similar stories.
  • There still could be outside legal proceedings regarding the fight from different sides. I don’t expect AEW to ever address the specifics of what happened. Depending on the timing or threats of legal action, we don’t know if the key parties will talk. It is believed some want to talk and tell their side of the story when they can.
  • The legal threats were likely why Tony Khan did not announce anything regarding any of the talent at the start of the television show past the titles were vacant. The story broke pretty big, but there had to be a large number of viewers hearing that who had no idea what he was talking about, and then got no explanation as the show went on. But that was the only way it could have been handled by that point in time until things were over.
  • All parties involved were told not to talk about it. There were stories that broke regarding what happened from people not involved but were there and saw or heard about much of it. But as best we can tell, no actual person involved has talked, and the only story we’ve directly gotten was from someone very close to the Punk side.
  • Stories that have gotten out are so completely different and some things that have gotten out, such as the idea the Young Bucks broke down or kicked down the dressing room door to get at Punk, have been denied even by the Punk side. That side’s explanation was only that they got in the room quickly.
  • Keep in mind we were not far from where this was taking place. We were not close enough to hear that there was a commotion but we were close enough to see a security officer running past the press room door to break up the fight, which we just assumed was some drunks or fans causing a scene after the show. We were close enough that if somebody kicked down a door, we’d have heard it.
  • They did come into the room. It isn’t clear if they came with AEW and Jacksonville Jaguars Chief Legal Officer Megha Parekh, or she was there for another reason, which makes the breaking down or the door story ridiculous because nobody is doing that right in front of the head of legal.
  • Steel was in quickly and hit Nick Jackson in the eye with a chair and Nick was said to be shaken up. Steel is a producer, backed up his good friend in a fight but also knew his wife was there. At that moment perhaps he wasn’t thinking logically because as a producer, his job would have been to break it up in any way. Breaking it up would have been even more imperative with his wife there and not being able to move out of the way if the fight got near her. Lucy Guy ended up not injured. But that was the reason given for his actions. Nick Jackson had a black eye. Punk was bleeding again from the cut from the match. Omega had his hair pulled and was bitten by Steel. The explanation on that is that Steel believed Omega was trying to crossface or choke him so Steel bit Omega as he was trying to separate Steel and Nick.
  • Pretty much the only points universally agreed on is that the Bucks came into the room without knocking, both sides were mad, Punk punched Matt, Steel hit Nick with a chair and pulled hair and bit Omega.
  • The big unanswered question is how much did he realize about his injury. If he knew it was serious or knew it was a torn triceps, he at that point may have realized that he wasn’t going to be doing any matches soon, let alone that one, and wasn’t going to be around soon so wanted to get things off his chest. But that is pure conjecture.
  • Another quote that irked Punk was when Page was at Galaxy Con, in a Q&A, he was asked about taking advice from veterans on the roster, with the question mentioning Punk and Sting, he said, “Oh boy, I don’t know, I’m stubborn, I don’t take advice. It’s a good question and that’s probably the honest answer. I listen to people say things, but very rarely do I listen hard. I was part of the movement that created the entire company and I’m a world champion. I don’t know that I need their advice. I’ll certainly listen, but there is something to be said about trial and error and doing it on our own. I take more pride in that.”
  • Several wrestlers not affiliated with either side noted to us that they felt Punk and Steel had to be gone. Some were upset with how Punk essentially buried the promotion, saying that Page, who had been a world champion and headlined three PPV shows that were three of the four biggest in company history, had never done anything in the business. It was in their minds outright calling AEW’s history, big show main events and championship worthless or meaningless. Others noted his remarks ran down the contributions the Young Bucks made regarding the birth and growth of the promotion. He actually used the term in the press conference that AEW critics have used saying it was only drawing a niche audience before he got there. But in fairness to him, he was the biggest peak draw the company ever had, across the board, whether it be PPV, merchandise or television ratings.
  • A decision eventually has to be made, but in a sense, he’s not going to be able to wrestle until maybe April to begin with, so that is a lot of time to heal all wounds. Whether it’s enough time to actually heal all wounds, that’s impossible to answer right now.
  • Moxley, Jericho and Bryan Danielson called a meeting in Buffalo on 9/7 before the show started. One person stated that it was the best backstage meeting the wrestlers had ever had and that they realized there was brand damage done that they have to overcome. Moxley’s promo of wanting to be handed the ball and become a legend and take that shot when we’re now in the fourth quarter of the game and behind did have its sense of reality to it. Even before the meeting, we were told that the talent arrived, knew they had a show to do and it was business as usual. People were told at the meeting to not air dirty laundry publicly and one person said when it was over, everything that happened Sunday was forgotten and there was nobody looking backwards, only forwards. Several noted how proud they were that after all this bad publicity, that they were able to put together such a strong TV show on 9/7, and most were excited about the future, but others noted being depressed with how everything had gone down over the past week.
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Supermurder Jimmy Homicide!!!

AEW Aktuelle Dynamite Folge 21.09.22

Paige ist endlich wieder in da House

Was für ein POP!

Antonio Inoki, der Diplomat und Friedensstifter im Ringerdress ist verstorben.

2 „Gefällt mir“

Eine weitere Woche AEW Shows, eine weitere Woche Backstage Drama. Wer hätte das nach den letzten Social Media Postings erwartet. Wrestling Twitter liest sich dafür heute morgen besonders gut :hardlove: