Zumindest hat Songs:Ohia die Vorrunde geschafft. Jason Molina ist ein leider viel zu frueh verstorbener und viel zu unbekannter Kuenstler der sich bei mir persoenlich ueber die Jahre einen enormen Stellenwert erspielt hat. @Skraggy und ja es war Morbo der uns den damals empfohlen hat.
Blue Chicago Moon war wahrscheinlich nicht die beste Wahl fuer das Forum, aber der Song inklusive Text ist so schon unglaublich emotional, mit der Lebensgeschichte von Molina aber nochmals trauriger und intensiver.
Farewell Transmission war auch noch in der engeren Auswahl. Toller Folkrocksong, wurde im Studio als Single Take aufgenommen:
newly published interview with molina, thought this was cool:
“Farewell Transmission” must be one of the most heroic recording moments of all time, because I called in people that were not already scheduled to be in the band and I was like, “Oh, now we’re going to have a violin player, and we’re going to have an extra singer.” I called out all of these things, much like a conductor does — and trust me, I’m not a conductor. I’m the break man. I will not fuck you up if I am the break man, I just don’t want to move anymore. We put, I think, about 12 people in a room and recorded that song live, completely live, and unrehearsed. I showed ‘em the chord progression, they had no idea when it would end, and we just cut it. Steve [Albini] did a beautiful job. I noticed that at one point when it was a little too loud or a little too soft he came and opened a door to make it work, because it was just an ambient recording. When you hear that song kick off everybody knows it, and what’s so disturbing to me is the way that I ended it is I was dictating to the band and Steve–I go “Listen. Listen. Listen.” And then at one point they all stop. It’s great.
Generell gibt es gluecklicherweise auch wahnsinnig gute Livemitschnitte zu finden. Toller Musiker: